08h30 – 9h30  Reception of participants

9h30   Opening session
                 Pedro Silveira | UNAC – União da Floresta Mediterrânica
                 Pedro Amorim | CCPMP – Centro de Competências do Pinheiro manso e do Pinhão
                 Rogério Lima Ferreira – General Director of Direção-Geral da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR) *
10h00   Keynote speaker  | João Oliveira Soares
Forest Manager Casa Agrícola Oliveira Soares
Owning an asset vs managing a business
10h30   Claudia Delard
Mechanical harvesting in grafted stone pine plantations: innovation for a Chilean emergent crop
10h45   –  coffee break
11h00   Rafael Calama
The impact of secondary fellings on growth and survival of Pinus pinea natural regeneration in the Spanish Northen Plateau
11h15   Przemysław Andrzej Jankowski
Enhancing Pinus pinea intra-annual growth dynamics in mixed species stands on the Spanish Northern Plateau
111h30   Marta Pardos
The age of stone pine mother trees influences reproductive capacity and offspring seedling performance
11h45   Neus Aletà
Source-sink role of third-year cones in stone pine
12h00   David Lloberas Lafuente
Modeling Pinus pinea environmentally suitable expansion areas in Portugal



12H45    LUNCH

14h00   keynote speaker | Felipe Perez Martin 
Responsible for Forest Genetic Resources; Deputy Directorate General for Forest Policy and Desertification Combat
International and Spanish context for the conservation and use of forest genetic resources. Specific reference to Pinus pinea
14h30   Sven Mutke 
Molecular genetics segregate clones and provenances of stone pine, a tree rooted deep in the Alentejo
14h45   Mariana Ribeiro Telles 
Pinus pinea – APFC clonal orchard: Contributions for Better Forest Reproductive Materials
15h00   Isabel Carrasquinho
Stone pine cone production: a long-term study on permanent plots
15h15   coffee break
15h30  Carlos Guadaño
Differences in cone production between stone pine clones
15h45   Miguel Segarra Trepat
Forestal Catalana´s stone pine grafting program in Catalonia. Production of grafted plant in nursery
16h00   Maria Custódia Correia – Coordinator and Head of Division, Rede Rural Nacional (RRN)
AKIS Portugal – Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems



16h45 – 17H45    POSTER SESSION

* Speakers to be confirmed

** Visit locations to be confirmed


9h30   keynote speaker | Julio Javier Díez Casero 
Full Professor at the University of Valladolid
10h00   Alexandra Correia
Climate change: challenges to stone pine management in Portugal
10h15   Ana Farinha
Timing is everything: Monitoring seed bug populations for sustainable management
10h30   Maria Rosa Paiva
New sustainable tools in pine pest control: decoding the chemical ecology of the Western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis
10h45   coffee break
11h00   Ana Cristina Silva
New fungi causing shoot blight on stone pine
11h15   Nicolo Di Sora
Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell): a rush to protect Pinus pinea L. in Europe
11h30   Maria Lurdes Inácio
First detection of Bursaphelenchus sexdentati associated with a declining Pinus pinea, in Portugal
11h45   Helena Bragança
Development of new preventive stategies for Pine Pitch Canker – Project “GO +PrevCRP » main results



12h30    LUNCH

14h00   keynote speaker | Conceição Santos Silva, UNAC
Stone pine performance in the main markets. Which gaps need to be filled to overcome the present challenges?
14h30   Pablo Campos
Towards the total sustainable social incomes of System of Environmental-Economic Accounts: Application to Stone pine forest of of Andalusian region
14h45    Cláudia Marisa Barreiros Neves
Stone pine cone opening process using artificial drying

15h00    Ricardo Costa
Tailoring the valorization of by-products from the pine nuts industry
15h15   coffee break
15h30   Dulcineia de Sousa Ferreira Wessel
Pilot on the economic valorization of pine cones and pine nuts in the Central Region of Portugal
15H45   Conceição Santos Silva
An X-ray based methodology to estimate pine nuts /cone weight ratio as a tool to establish annual transaction prices
16h00    Veronica Loewe
Pinus pinea pine nut yield depends on cone weight and seed health



17H00 – 17H30   Sessão de Encerramento | João Paulo Catarino

State Secretary of Conservação da Natureza e Florestas


17h30 – 18H00   POSTER session

Side Event    Challenges and opportunities of Pinus pinea x Quercus suber mixtures in Portugal


* Speakers to be confirmed

** Visit locations to be confirmed


  8h30 – 10h00   Trip Lisbon – Grândola
10h00 – 12h30   Field visit
12h30 – 14h30    Lunch
14h30 – 16h00   Visit to the industrial unit (Pineflavour)
16h00 – 17h30  Trip back Grândola – Lisbon


* Speakers to be confirmed

** Visit locations to be confirmed