In the abstract submission form, authors must select the most appropriate thematic line; and whether they want to submit their abstract for i) oral presentation; ii) poster; iii) oral or poster presentation (in this case, it is up to the Scientific Committee to decide if the abstract is more suited for an oral presentation or a poster).
When submitting the abstract, it will be necessary to insert a title with a maximum of 150 characters, the names and affiliations of the authors, and the email of the author who will deliver the presentation (oral or poster).
AUTHORS (The family name and initials of the names of all authors must be listed; a number must be associated with each author; titles and academic degrees must not be included. Example: Silva JM1, Ferreira B2, Costa FR3)
AFFILIATIONS (Each author must be listed as Department; University/Institute and Country. Example: 1-Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Canada; 2,3- Forest Research Centre, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
The abstract must be written in English and cannot exceed 2000 characters. The abstract should include a brief introduction; a description of the methods used; the most relevant results and a brief conclusion.
Authors can only be the first authors of a maximum of two abstracts, however, they may be co-authors of several abstracts.
The Scientific Committee is responsible for reviewing the submitted abstracts, which will be evaluated for their quality, scientific innovation, and relevance for the Thematic Lines of the Pinea Spot Congress. If the Thematic Line does not suit the abstract, the Scientific Committee may contact the authors and suggest another Thematic Line.
For any technical issue in the abstract submission process, contact Cidália Vila Verde (